Abschlussarbeiten von 2007 bis 2011
2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007
- Shishido, H. : 11 Jahre Zertifizierung des Freiburger Stadtwaldes - Anspruch und Realität in der Wahrnehmung der Entscheidungsträger in Politik und Verwaltung.
- Sträuber, D.: Beratungsbedarf werdender Bioenergiedörfer im Schwarzwald. Eine Analyse auf der Basis von qualitativen Interviews.
- Woynowski, B.: "Online denken, lokal handeln". Explorative Studie zur Onlinekommunikation von Schlüsselakteuren in Erneuerbare-energien-Regionen.
- Rongrongmuang, W.: Climate Change Perception of Dive Tourism Industry in Thailand.
- Quadt, V.: Die 100 Prozent GmbH – Eine Fallstudie zu den Hintergründen, Motivationen und Strategien der Akteure eines Wirtschaftsverbandes für erneuerbare Energien in der Region Freiburg.
- Acosta, O.: Adaptive Urban Water Demand to an Uncertain World. A Case Study: Citizen's cooperation during the supply crisis of Bogota in 1997.
- Klingler, F.: Fallstudien zur Situation der Nationalen Initiativen des Forest Stewardship Council in Chile und Peru. Quo vadis FSC?
- Mathow, T.: Application of the individual free based BWI-Lothar model to predict storm damage on the stand scale.
- Montpetit, A.: Assessment of tourism operators' attitudes toward nature and restoration of natural capital in the Gamtoos Valley, South Africa.
- Schindler, K.: Corporate Social Responsibility in der Deutschen Möbel- und Papierindustrie.
- Volz, P.: Analysis of Local Renewable Energy Activities in Austria, Germany, United Kingdom, USA and India.
- Weber de Morais, G.: Sustainable consumption, well-being and institutions: The experience of Vauban and Vaexjoe.
- Xicota, E.: Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability in Spain. The challenge of studying Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives. The Case Study of Lonxanet Directo SL.
- Bachurova, A.: The Role of Private Actors as Norm-Entrepreneurs in Water Governance Networks.
- Batkova, E.: Exploring the Presence of the "Functions of Technological Innovation Systems" in the EU Bio-fuels Legislation and One Policy Document
- Buntzel, C.: Deutschrechtliche Forstgenossenschaften als Common Property Regime.
- Elsworth, R.: Sustainable Development and the Clean Development Mechanisms: Market Tools for a Market Based Approach.
- Franca Oyo, F.: Governing Roads in the Amazon: A Critical Analysis of Tools and Approaches.
- Gilbert, B.: The role of Biogas in the Agricultural Sector of France.
- Hellmann, E.: Potentialanalyse des Electronic-Tool for Accountable Supply Chains aus Stakeholdersicht.
- Klingler, F.: Fallstudien zur Situation der Nationalen Initiativen des Forest Stewardship council in chile und Peru.
- Kim, S.: Analysis of Food Polica Measures: Identification of causes of policy responses to food price changes 2006-2008.
- Läufer, R.: Konfrontatives Verhalten vs. Kooperationsbereitschaft in der Einflussnahme von NGO's.
- Mbongo, W.: Institutional Arrangements and Coordination Mechanisms to Implement Natural Resource Management Strategies in Namibia.
- Moring, J.: Two Case Studies on the Climate Change Adaption Strategies of the Insurance Sector.
- Njantang, G. B.: Tropical forest management planning analysis: Case of Cameroon.
- Oliveira Diniz, L.: The governance of Energy Efficiency in Brazil: Public Sector and the performance contract case.
- Papst, I.: How stakeholders can address potential conflicts constructively: Two case studies from biogas production plants.
- Pinto, A. L.: Reviewing Sustainability reporting Practices for the Peruvian Mining Sector.
- Tachibana, T.: World Bank and Climate Change. Contribution to the objective of the UNFCCC through financing sustainable energy.
- Tesileanu, R.: Valuing Non-Market Environmental Goods. A critical analysis of various valuation methods.
- Thomas, J. L.: Redd Governance: Corruption as a Catalyst for Deforestation in Ecuador.
- Wang, W.: Observing Corporate Social Responsibility's Development in China - Through the Comparison between SA 8000 and Labour Law of P. R. China
- Ying, L.: Earning money with Chinese Non-Timber Forest Products: the value chains of mu err-mushroom, bamboo shoots and medicinal herbs in Germany
- You, B.: How to ensure the co-benefits of emission reduction and biodiversity conservation through REED.
- Bloch, S.: Validierung von Biomassefunktionen für Buche (Fagus sylvativa L.) in Südwestdeutschland.
- Fernandes, R.: Value of Corporate Political Networking: Surveyed Examples in the Area of Renewable Energies.
- Hennrich, A.: Ökoeffizienzanalyse für Maßnahmenkombinationen im dezentralen Hochwasserschutz.
- Hummel, Y.-K.: Stakeholder im Dialog - NGO's als Anspruchsgruppen eines Finanzdienstleisters.
- Lin, S-Y.: A case study of National Aboriginal Forestry Association. Is Social Capital crucial between NAFA and NAFA members for a collective action?
- Nichiforel, L.: Assessing rent-seeking behaviours in Romanian private forestry from a property-rights perspective.
- Nichiforel, R.: Corporate Socially Responsible Practices in the context of romanian forest-based industries.
- Nullans, L.: Le changement des modes de ventes de bois en foret publique francaise: une analyse du point de vuede de la nouvelle economie des Institutions.
- Qiu, S.: Possible Synergies between Carbon Forestry and FSC.
- Ragna, J.: Die Privatisierung des Landeswaldes Schleswig-Holstein. eine Diskursanalyse.
- Seehusen, S.: Can payments for ecosystem services contribute to sustainable development in the Brazialian Amazon?
- Tubua, W.: Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Cameroon.
- Wen, Ph.: Die ökonomische Bedeutung der Kohlenstoffsenke Wald.
- Wilkes, J.: Assessing Sustainability Impacts of European Forest Policies on Forest Land Using Economic and Social Indicators.
- Wissmann, J.: Subsidies and Global Warming. The Case of Fossil Fuels in Venezuela.