Prof. Dr. Marc Hanewinkel
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Prof. Dr. Marc Hanewinkel Lehrstuhlinhaber |
Projekt- und Forschungsschwerpunkte
- Forschungsarbeiten zum Thema Risikoanalyse (Risikoerfassung, -modellierung und –bewertung), Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Wälder Europas und Zentralamerikas, Entwicklung adaptiver Managementstrategien, Berücksichtigung von Risiko und Unsicherheit bei der Entscheidungsfindung (z.B. robuste Entscheidungen), ökologisch- ökonomische Modellierung mit Hilfe von Prozessmodellen, Berücksichtigung multipler Ökosystemleistungen, ökonomische Analyse von Klimaänderungen, Bioenergie, Auswirkungen veränderter Waldbewirtschaftungsstrategien (Transformation von Wäldern), Ökonomie ungleichaltriger Wälder
- Koordination nationaler und internationaler Forschungsprojekte zum Thema Risikoanalyse, Anpassungsstrategien an den Klimawandel in Europa, im Alpenraum/Voralpenraum (u.a. Projekt MOTIVE – im 7. For-schungsrahmenprogramm der EU – 20 Partner aus 15 EU Ländern, Volumen – 7 Mio Euro, sowie MANFRED im EU- Interreg Alpine Space Programm) sowie in Zentralamerika, "green investment projects.
2003: Habilitation (Fachgebiete Forstökonomie und Forstplanung) Privatdozent, venia legendi „Entscheidungsunterstützung bei komplexen betrieblichen Managementaufgaben am Beispiel von Waldumbau/Überführung und Risikomanagement"
1997: Promotion an der Universität Freiburg, Institut für Forstökonomie. „Plenterwald und Plenterwaldüberführung - Modellstudien zu planungstechnischen, waldbaulichen und ökonomischen Aspekten am Fallbeispiel des Wuchsgebietes Schwarzwald“
1983–1988 : Studium der Forstwissenschaft Universität Freiburg, ETH Zürich (1985/86) Abschluss: Diplom-Forstwirt
Beruflicher Wergegang
Ab 2024: Adjunct Professor, John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design, University of Toronto, Canada
Seit 10/2014: Leiter Professur für Forstökonomie und Forstplanung, Fakultät für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen der Universität Freiburg
06/2011–09/2014: Leiter Forschungseinheit Waldressourcen und Waldmanagement an der Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL, Birmensdorf, CH
2011: Berufungsliste (Platz 1): Professur: Ökonomie multifunktionaler Waldmanagementsysteme an der Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien
2007–2011: Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Klimafolgenforschung an der FVA
2003–2007: Referent der Direktion an der Forstlichen Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt (FVA) Baden-Württemberg in Freiburg, Leiter Arbeitsbereich Wissenstransfer; Forschungsmanagement
2002: Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of Berkeley, California, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, College of Natural Resources (Prof. Greg S. Biging)
1998–2002: Hochschulassistent (wissenschaftlicher Assistent) am Institut für Forstökonomie, Abteilung für Forstökonomie und Forsteinrichtung, Universität Freiburg
1994–1997: Assistent und Doktorand am Institut für Forstökonomie der Universität Freiburg
1991–1993: Praktische Forsteinrichtertätigkeit in Staats- und Kommunalwäldern der Forstdirektion Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg
1989–1991: Referendarzeit Landesforstverwaltung Baden-Württemberg Abschluss : Große Forstliche Staatsprüfung
- Reviewed Journals
Pinnschmidt, A., Yousefpour, R., Nölte, A., Hanewinkel, M. (2024). Close-to-Nature management of tropical timber plantations is economically viable and provides biodiversity benefits. Forestry (Oxford) 2024:1-18.
Kazimirovic, M., Stajic, B., Petrović, N., Ljubičić, J., Košanin, N., Hanewinkel, M., Sperlich, D. (2024) Dynamic height growth models for highly productive pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) stands: explicit mapping of site index classification in Serbia. Annals of Forest Science (2024) in press.
Sperlich, D., Hanewinkel, M., Yousefpour, R. (2024). Aiming at a moving target: economic evaluation of adaptation strategies under the uncertainty of climate change and CO2-fertilization. Annals of Forest Science (2024) 81:4.
Gardiner, B., Lorenz, R., Hanewinkel, M., Schmitz, B., Bott, F., Szymczak, S., Frick, A., Ulbrich, U. (2024). Predicting the Risk of Tree Fall onto Railway Lines. Forest Ecology and Management 553 (2024) 121614
Fuertes A., Oliveira N., Cañellas I., Sixto H., Rodríguez-Soalleiro R., Hanewinkel M., Sperlich, D. (2023) Assessing the potential of Poplar Short Rotation plantations to contribute to a low-carbon bioeconomy under water-limited conditions. Journal of Environmental Management 347 (2023) 119062.
Nölte, A., Cifuentes-Jara, M., Yousefpour, R, Hanewinkel, M. (2023). Sharp decline in future productivity of tropical reforestations above 29 °C mean annual temperature. Science Advances 9 (2023) 34.
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adg9175
Baumbach, L., Hickler, T., Yousefpour, R., Hanewinkel, M. (2023). Conservation planning in unprotected Central American key biodiversity areas in the face of climate change and anthropogenic pressures. Environmental Research Letters 18 (2023) 094035.
Baumbach, L., Hickler, T.,Yousefpour, R., Hanewinkel, M. (2023). High economic costs of declined carbon sink and habitat loss in Central American forests. Nature Communications (2023)14:2043.
Zamora, JC, Hanewinkel, M., Yousefpour, R. (2023). Robust management strategies promoting ecological resilience and economic efficiency of a mixed conifer-broadleaf forest in Southwestern Germany under the risk of severe drought. Ecological Economics 209 (2023) 107825.
Bourke, R., Yousefpour, R., Hanewinkel, M. (2023). Under storm risk, economic productivity of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst) in monoculture shows sharper decline than in mixture with European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Annals of Forest Science (2023) 80:19 doi 10.1186/s13595-023-01182-y.
Pinnschmidt, A., Yousefpour, R., Nölte, A., Murillo, O., Hanewinkel, M. (2023).Tropical mixed-species plantations can outperform monocultures: comparing economic and carbon sequestration performance. Ecological Economics 11 (2023) 107885.
Bréteau-Amores, S., Yousefpour, R., Hanewinkel, M., Fortin, M., (2023). Forest adaptation strategies to reconcile timber production and carbon sequestration objectives under multiple risks of extreme drought and windstorm events. Ecological Economics 212 (2023) 107903.
Pinnschmidt, A., Yousefpour, R., Nölte, A., Murillo, O., Hanewinkel, M. (2022). Economic potential and management of tropical mixed-species plantations in Central America. New Forests
Noelte, A., Cifuentes, M., Murillo, O., Yousefpour, R., Piotto, D., Hanewinkel, M. (2022). Broad-scale and long-term forest growth predictions and management for native, mixed species plantations and teak in Costa Rica and Panama. Forest Ecology and Management 520 (2022) 120386.
Kramer, K., Bouriaud, L., Feindt, P., van Wassenaer, L., Glanemann, N., Hanewinkel, M., van der Heide, M., Hengeveld, G., Hoogstra, M., Ingram, V., Levermann, A., Lindner, M. Matyas, C., Mohren, F., Muys, B., Nabuurs, G-J., Palahi, M., Polman, N., Reyer, C., Schulze, E-D., Seidl, R., de Vries, W., Werners, S., Winkel, G., Yousefpour, R. (2022). Roadmap to develop a stress test for forest ecosystem services supply. Cell One Earth 5: 25-34 –
Baltensweiler, A., Walthert, L., Hanewinkel, M., Zimmermann, S., Nussbaum, M. (2021). Machine learning based soil maps for a wide range of soil properties for the forested area of Switzerland. Geoderma Regional 27 (2021) e00437.
Zamora-Pereira, J.C.,Yousefpour, R., Cailleret, M., Bugmann, H., Hanewinkel, M. (2021). Magnitude and timing of density reduction are key for the resilience to severe drought in conifer-broadleaf mixed forests in Central Europe. Annals of Forest Science (2021) 78:68.
Baumbach, L., Warren, D., Yousefpour, R., Hanewinkel, M. (2021). Climate change may induce connectivity loss and mountaintop extinction in Central American forests. Communications Biology (2021) 4:869 |
Bottero, A.; Forrester, D.I.; Cailleret, M.; Kohnle, U.; Gessler, A.; Michel, D.; Bose, A.K.; Bauhus, J.; Bugmann, H.; Cuntz, M.; Gillerot, L.; Hanewinkel, M.; Lévesque, M.; Ryder, J.; Sainte-Marie, J.; Schwarz, J.; Yousefpour, R.; Zamora-Pereira, J.C.; Rigling, A. (2021). Growth resistance and resilience of mixed silver fir and Norway spruce forests in central Europe: Contrasting responses to mild and severe droughts. Global Change Biology.
Cowie, A.; Berndes, G.; Bentsen, N.; Brandao, M.; Cherubini, F.; Egnell, G.; George, B.; Gustavsson, L.; Hanewinkel, M.; Harris, Z.; Johnsson, F.; Junginger, H.; Kline, K.; Koponen, K.; Koppejan, J.; Kraxner, F.; Lamers, P.; Majer, S.; Marland, E.; Nabuurs, G.-J.; Pelkmans, L.; Sathre, R.; Schaub, M.; Smith, T.; Soimakallio, S.; van der Hilst, F.; Woods, J.; Ximenes, F.; (2021). Applying a science-based systems perspective to dispel misconceptions about climate effects of forest bioenergy. GCB Bioenergy 2021;00:1–22.
Palahí, M.; Valbuena, R.; Senf, C.; Acil, N.; Pugh, T.A.; Sadler, J.; Seidl,R.; Potapov, P.; Gardiner, B.; Hetemäki, L.; Chirici, G.; Francini, S.; Hlásny, T.; Lerink, B.; Olsson, H.; González Olabarria, J.; Ascoli, D.; Asikainen, A.; Bauhus, J.; Berndes, G.; Donis, J.; Fridman, J.; Hanewinkel, M.; Jactel, H.; Lindner, M.; Marchetti, M.; Marušák, R.; Sheil, D.; Tomé, M.;Trasobares, A.; Verkerk, P.; Korhonen, M.; Nabuurs, G.-J. (2021). Concerns about reported harvested area and biomass loss in European forests. Nature volume 592, pages E15–E17.
Vitkova, L., Saladin, D., Hanewinkel, M. (2021). Financial viability of a fully simulated transformation from even-aged to uneven-aged stand structure in forests of different ages. Forestry (Oxford) (accepted).
Hagen, R., Kühl, N., Hanewinkel, M., Suchant, R. (2021). Number and height of unbrowsed saplings are more appropriate than the proportion of browsed saplings for predicting silvicultural regeneration success. Annals of Forest Sciences (accepted).
Deng, Y., Wang, M., Yousefpour, R., Hanewinkel, M. (2021). Abiotic disturbances affect forest short-term vegetation cover and phenology in Southwest China. Ecological Indicators 124 (2021) 107393.
Radke, N.; Keller, K.; Yousefpour, R.; Hanewinkel, M. (2020). Identifying decision-relevant uncertainties for dynamic adaptive forest management under climate change. Climatic Change (accepted).
Noelte, A.; Yousefpour, R.; Hanewinkel, M. (2020). Changes in sessile oak (Quercus petraea) productivity under climate change by improved leaf phenology in the 3PG model. Ecological Modelling 438 (2020) 109285.
Baltensweiler, A.; Heuvelink, G.; Hanewinkel, M.; Walthert, L. (2020). Microtopography shapes soil pH in flysch regions across Switzerland. Geoderma 380 (2020) 114663.
Augustynczik, A.; Asbeck, T.; Basile, M.; Jonker, M.; Knuff, A.; Yousefpour, R.; Bauhus, J., Hanewinkel, M. (2020). Reconciling forest profitability and biodiversity conservation under disturbance risk: the role of forest management and salvage logging. Environ. Res. Lett. in press
Aggestam, F.; Konczal, A.; Winkel, G.; Sotirov, M.; Wallin, I.; Paillet, Y.; Spinelli, R.; Lindner, M.; Derks, J.; Hanewinkel, M. (2020). Can nature conservation and wood production be reconciled in managed forests? Review of driving factors for integrated forest management in Europe. Journal of Environmental Management (accepted).
Brunette, M.; Yousefpour, R.; Hanewinkel, M. (2020). Risk aversion hinders foresters to adapt to climate change. Climatic Change (accepted).
Storch, I., Penner, J., Asbeck, T., Basile, M., Bauhus, J., Braunisch, V., Dormann, C.., Frey, J., Gärtner, S., Hanewinkel, M., Koch, B., Klein, A., Kuss,T., Pregernig, M., Pyttel, P., Reif, A., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Segelbacher, G., Schraml, U., Winkel,G., Yousefpour, R. (2020). Analysing the effectiveness of retention forestry to enhance biodiversity in a multiple-use landscape of Central Europe using an interdisciplinary, multi-scale approach. Ecology and Evolution 2020; 00: 1– 21.
Augustynczik, A., Yousefpour, R., Lasch-Born, P., Suckow, F., Basile, M., Gutsch, M., Hanewinkel, M. (2020). Socially optimal forest management and retention forestry for managed temperate forests. Ecological Economics 169: 106504.
Dilger, J., Hanewinkel, M. (2019). Perspektiven für die künftige Organisationsstruktur des Kommunalwaldes in Südwestdeutschland nach dem Kartellrechtsverfahren aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung (AFJZ) 189: 229-240. Doi 10.23765/afjz0002033.
Müller, F., Augustynczik, A., Hanewinkel, M. (2019). The performance of silvicultural management systems throughout history: An analysis of timber production and carbon sequestration under storm risk. Annals of Forest Science. DOI: 10.1007/s13595-019-0884-1 (in press.)
Gustafsson, L., Bauhus, J., Asbeck, T., Augustynczik, A., Basile, M., Frey, J., Gutzat, F., Hanewinkel, M., Helbach, J., Jonker, M., Knuff, A., Messier, C, Penner, J., Pyttel, P., Reif, A., Storch, F., Winiger, N., Winkel, G., Yousefpour, R., Storch, I. (2019). Retention as an integrated biodiversity conservation approach for continuous-cover forestry. Ambio
Müller, F., Hanewinkel, M. (2019). Die Faustmann-Formel – Fundament der Forstökonomie seit 170 Jahren. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung (AFJZ – German Journal of Forest Research) 189:187-207.
Müller, F.; Jaeger, D.; Hanewinkel, M. (2019). Digitization in wood supply - A review on how Industry 4.0 will change the forest value chain. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 162 (2019) 206-218.
Yousefpour, R.; You, B.; Hanewinkel, M. (2019). Simulation of extreme storm effects on regional forest soil carbon stock. Ecological Modelling.
Augustynczik, A.; Yousefpour, R.; Hanewinkel, M. (2018). Multiple uncertainties require a change of conservation pracices for red-listed insects in temperate forests. Scientific Reports (2018) 8:14964 | doi:10.1038/s41598-018-33389-9.
Augustynczik, A.; Asbeck, T.; Basile, M.; Storch, I.; Mikusiński, G.; Yousefpour, R.; Bauhus, J.; Hanewinkel, M. (2018). Diversification of forest management regimes secures tree microhabitats and bird abundance under climate change. Science of the Total Environment 650 (2019) 2717–2730.
Blattert, C.; Lemm, R.; Thees, O.; Hansen, J.; Lexer, M.; Hanewinkel, M. (2018). Segregated or integrated biodiversity conservation: value-based ecosystem service assessment under varying forest management strategies in Central Europe. Ecol. Indicators 95: 751-764.
Müller, F.; Hanewinkel, M. (2018). Challenging the assumptions of a standard model: how historical triggers in terms of technical innovations, labor costs and timber price change the land expectation value. Forest Policy and Economics 95: 46-56.
Augustynczik, A.; Yousefpour, R.; Rodriguez, L.C.; Hanewinkel, M. (2018). Conservation Costs of Retention Forestry and Optimal Habitat Network Selection in Southwestern Germany. Ecological Economics 148: 92-102.
Yousefpour, R.; Augustynczik, A.; Reyer, C.; Lasch-Born, P.; Suckow, F.; Hanewinkel, M. (2018). Realizing Mitigation Efficiency of European Commercial Forests by Climate Smart Forestry. Scientific Reports (2018) 8:345. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-18778-w.
Brunette, M.; Bourke, R.; Hanewinkel, M.; Yousefpour, R. (2018). Economic Perspectives of Adaptation to Climate Change in Forestry: a Multiple Correspondence Analysis. Forests 2018, 9, 20. doi:10.3390/f9010020.
Yousefpour, R.; Temperli, C.; Jacobsen, J. B.; Thorsen, B. J.; Meilby, H.; Lexer, M. J.; Lindner, M.; Bugmann, H.; Borges, J. G.; Palma, J. H. N.; Ray, D. N.; Zimmermann, E.; Delzon, S.; Kremer, A.; Kramer, K.; Reyer, C. P. O.; Lasch-Born, P.; Garcia-Gonzalo, J.; Hanewinkel, M. (2017). A framework for modeling adaptive forest management and decision making under climate change. Ecology and Society 22(4):40.
Hagen, R.; Heurich, M.; Storch, S.; Hanewinkel, M.; Kramer-Schadt, S. (2017). Linking annual variations of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.) bag records to largescale winter conditions: Spatio-temporal development in Europe between 1961 and 2013. European Journal of Wildlife Research
Nabuurs, G.J.; Delacote, P.; Ellison, D.; Hanewinkel, M.; Hetemäki, L.; Lindner, M. (2017). By 2050 Mitigation effects of EU forests could nearly double through European Climate Smart Forestry. Forests 2017, 8, 484. doi:10.3390/f8120484.
Baltensweiler, A.; Walthert, L.; Ginzler, C.; Sutter, F.; Purves, R. S.; Hanewinkel, M. (2017). Terrestrial laser scanning improves digital elevation models and topsoil pH modelling in regions with complex topography and dense vegetation. Environmental Modelling & Software 95, 13-21. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.05.009.
Radke, N.; Yousefpour, R.; v. Detten, R.; Reifenberg, S.; Hanewinkel, M. (2017). Adopting robust decision-making to forest management under climate change. Annals of Forest Science. doi: 10.1007/s13595-017-0641-2.
Blattert, C.; Lemm, R.; Theesa, O.; Lexer, M. J.; Hanewinkel, M. (2017). Management of ecosystem services in mountain forests: Review of indicators and value functions for model based multi-criteria decision analysis. Ecological Indicators 79, 391–409. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.04.025.
Yousefpour, R.; Augustynczik, A. L. D.; Hanewinkel, M. (2017). Pertinence of reactive, active, and robust adaptation strategies in forest management under climate change. Annals of Forest Science. doi: 10.1007/s13595-017-0640-3.
Wilkes-Allemann, J.; Pütz, M.; Hanewinkel, M. (2017). Forest recreation as a voernance problem: four case studies from Switzerland. European Journal of Forest Research. doi: 10.1007/s10342-017-1049-0.
Reyer, C.; Bathgate, S.; Blennow, K.; Borges, J.; Bugmann, H.; Delzon, Faias, S.; Garcia-Gonzalo, J.; Gardiner, B.; Gonzalez-Olabarria, J.R.; Gracia, C.; Guerra Hernández, J.; Kellomäki, S.; Kramer, K.; Lexer, M.; Lindner, M.; van der Maaten, E.; Maroschek, M.; Muys, B.; Nicoll, B.; Palahi, M.; Palma, J.; Paulo, J.; Peltola, H.; Pukkala, T.; Rammer, W.; Ray, D.; Sabaté, S.; Schelhaas, M.J.; Seidl, R.; Temperli, C.; Tomé, M.; Yousefpour, R.; Zimmermann, N.E.; Hanewinkel, M. (2017). Are forest disturbances amplifying or canceling out climate change-induced productivity changes in European forests? Environmental Research Letters (accepted).
v. Detten, R. and Hanewinkel, M. (2017). Strategies of handling risk and uncertainty in forest management in Central Europe. Current Forestry Reports. doi: 10.1007/s40725-017-0050-7.
Reyer, C.; Bathgate, S.; Blennow, K.; Borges, J.; Bugmann, H.; Delzon, Faias, S.; Garcia-Gonzalo, J.; Gardiner, B.; Gonzalez-Olabarria, J.R.; Gracia, C.; Guerra Hernández, J.; Kellomäki, S.; Kramer, K.; Lexer, M.; Lindner, M.; van der Maaten, E.; Maroschek, M.; Muys, B.; Nicoll, B.; Palahi, M.; Palma, J.; Paulo, J.; Peltola, H.; Pukkala, T.; Rammer, W.; Ray, D.; Sabaté, S.; Schelhaas, M.J.; Seidl, R.; Temperli, C.; Tomé, M.; Yousefpour, R.; Zimmermann, N.E.; Hanewinkel, M. (2017). Are forest disturbances amplifying or canceling out climate change-induced productivity changes in European forests? Environmental Research Letters (accepted).
v.Detten, R. and Hanewinkel, M. (2017). Strategies of handling risk and uncertainty in forest management in Central Europe. Current Forestry Reports. doi: 10.1007/s40725-017-0050-7.
Yousefpour, R. and Hanewinkel, M. (2016). Climate Change and Decision-Making Under Uncertainty. Current Forestry Reports:1-7. doi: 10.1007/s40725-016-0035-y.
Dannenmann, M.; Bimüller, C.; Gschwendtner, S.; Leberecht, M.; Tejedor, J.; Bilela, S.; Gasche, R.; Hanewinkel, M.; Baltensweiler, A.; Kögel-Knabner, I.; Polle, A.; Schloter, M.; Simon, J.; Rennenberg, H. (2016). Climate change impairs nitrogen cycling in European beech forests. PLOS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158823.
Blennow, K.; Persson, J.; Persson, E.; Hanewinkel, M. (2016). Forest Owners' Response to Climate Change: University Education Trumps Value Profile. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0155137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155137.
Kunstler, G., Falster, D., Coomes, D. A., Hui, F., Kooyman, R. M., Laughlin, D.C., Poorter, L., Vanderwel, M., Vieilledent, G., Wright, S.J., Aiba, M., Baraloto, C., Caspersen, J., Cornelissen, H.C., Gourlet-Fleury, S., Hanewinkel, M., Herault, B., Kattge, J., Kurokawa, H., Onoda, Y., Peñuelas, J., Poorter, H., Uriarte, M., Richardson, S., Ruiz-Benito, P., Sun, I-F., Ståhl, G., Swenson, N.G., Thompson, Z., Westerlund, B., Wirth, C., Zavala, M.A., Zeng, H., Zimmerman, J., Zimmermann, N.E., Westoby, M. (2016). Plant functional traits have globally consistent effects on competition. Nature 529: 204-207. doi:10.1038/nature16476.
Bouriaud, L., Marzano, M., Lexer; M., Nichiforel, L., Reyer, C., Temperli, C., Peltola, H., Elkin, C., Duduman, G., Taylor, P., Bathgate, S., Borges, J., Clerkx, S., Garcia-Gonzalo, J., Gracia, C., Hengeveld, G., Kellomäki, S., Kostov, G., Maroschek, M., Muys, B., Nabuurs, G.-J., Nicoll, B., Palahí, M., Rammer, W., Ray, D., Schelhaas, M.-J., Sing, L., Tome´, M., Zell, J. Hanewinkel, M. (2015). Institutional factors and opportunities for adapting European forest management to climate change. Regional Environmental Change 15:1595–1609. doi 10.1007/s10113-015-0852-8.
Borys A., Lasch-Born P., Suckow F., Reyer C., Gutsch M., Hanewinkel M. (2015). Ökonomische Analyse der Kohlenstoffsequestrierung in Buchenbeständen im Kontext von Waldpflege und Klimawandel. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung (German Journal of Forest Research). 186, 3-4: 72-84.
Brunette M. , Holecy J. , Sedliak M. , Tucek J. and Hanewinkel M. (2015). An actuarial model of forest insurance against multiple natural hazards in fir (Abies Alba Mill.) stands in Slovakia. Forest Policy and Economics.
Neuner, S., Albrecht, A., Cullmann, D., Engels, F., Griess, V., Hahn, A., Hanewinkel, M., Härtl, F., Kölling, C., Staupendahl, K., Knoke, T. (2015). Survival of Norway spruce remains higher in mixed stands under a dryer and warmer climate. Global Change Biology 21: 935-946. doi: 10.1111/gcb.12751.
Reyer, C., Bugmann, H., Nabuurs, G.J., Hanewinkel, M. (2015). Models for adaptive forest management. (Editorial). Regional Environmental Change 15:1483–1487. doi 10.1007/s10113-015-0861-7.
Schelhaas, M.J., Nabuurs, G.-J., Hengeveld, G., Reyer, C., Hanewinkel, M., Zimmermann, N., Cullmann, D. (2015). Adaptive forest management to account for climate change-induced productivity and species suitability changes in Europe. Regional Environmental Change DOI 10.1007/s10113-015-0788-z.
Yousefpour, R., Hanewinkel, M. (2015). Forest Professionals Perception of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Strategies Affecting Forests in Southern Germany. Climatic Change. doi: 10.1007/s10584-015-1330-5.
Zell, J., Hanewinkel, M. (2015). How treatment, extreme events and changed climate affect productivity of temperate forests. Regional Environmental Change 15:1531–1542. DOI 10.1007/s10113-015-0777-2.
Feistl, T., Bebi, P., Dreier, L., Hanewinkel, M., and Bartelt, P. (2014). Quantification of basal friction for glide-snow avalanche mitigation measures in forested and non-forested terrain, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 2921-2931, doi:10.5194/nhessd-2-2947-2014.
Lindner, M., Fitzgerald, J.B., Zimmermann, N.E., Reyer, C., Delzon, S., van der Maaten, E., Schelhaas, M-J., Lasch, P., Eggers, J., van der Maaten-Theunissen, M., Suckow, F., Psomas, A., Poulter, B., Hanewinkel, M. (2014). Climate Change and European Forests: What do we know, what are the uncertainties, and what are the implications for forest management? Journal of Environmental Management 146: 69-83.
Blennow, K, Persson, E., Lindner, M., Norman, J., Pacheco Faias, S., Hanewinkel, M. (2014). Forest owner motivations and attitudes towards supplying biomass for energy in Europe. Biomass and Bioenergy 67: 223-230. doi10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.05.002.
Hanewinkel, M., Kuhn, T., Bugmann, H., Lanz, A., Brang, P. (2014). Vulnerability of uneven-aged forests to storm damage. Forestry (Oxford) 87: 525-534. doi: 10.1093/forestry/cpu008.
Hanewinkel, M., Peyron, J.L. (2014). Tackling Climate Change: The contribution of scientific knowledge in forestry. Annals of Forest Science 71: 113-115. doi: 10.1007/s13595-013-0352-2.
Holecy, J., Hanewinkel, M. (2014). Corrigendum to “A forest management risk insurance model and its application to coniferous stands in southwest Germany” [Forest Policy and Economics 8 (2006) 161–174]. Forest Policy and Economics 38: 229.
Hanewinkel, M., Frutig, F., Lemm, R. (2014). Economic performance of uneven-aged forests analysed with annuities. Forestry (Oxford) 87: 49-60. doi:10.1093/forestry/cpt043.
Hanewinkel, M., Cullmann, D.A., Michiels, H.-G., Kändler, G. (2014). Converting probabilistic tree species range shift projections into meaningful classes for management. Journal of Environmental Management 134: 153-165. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.01.010.
Yousefpour, R., Hanewinkel, M. (2014). Optimizing Climate Change Strategies of Adaptation to and Mitigation of climate change for Norway Spruce (Picea abies Karst) Forests with Stochastic Genetic Algorithms. Forest Science 60: 73-84.
Hanewinkel, M., Cullmann, D.A., Schelhaas, M.J., Nabuurs, G.-J., Zimmermann, N.E. (2013). Climate change may cause severe loss in the economic value of European forest land. Nature Climate Change 3: 203-207. doi: 10.1038/nclimate1687.
Yousefpour, R., Temperli, C., Bugmann, H., Hanewinkel, M., Meilby, H., Bredahl Jacobsen, J., Jellesmark Thorsen, B. (2013). Updating Beliefs and Combining Evidence in Adaptive Forest Management under Climate Change: A Case Study of Norway Spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) in the Black Forest, Germany. Journal of Environmental Management 122: 56-64.
Albrecht, A., Kohnle, U., Hanewinkel, M., Bauhus, J. (2013). Storm damage of Douglas-fir unexpectedly high compared to Norway spruce. Annals of Forest Science 70: 195-207. DOI 10.1007/s13595-012-0244-x.
Blennow, K., Persson, J., Tomé, M., Hanewinkel, M. (2012). Climate change believing and seeing implies adapting. PLoS ONE 7(11): e50182. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0050182.
Yousefpour, R., Bredahl Jacobsen, J., Jellesmark Thorsen, B., Meilby, H., Hanewinkel, M, Oehler, K. (2012). A review of decision-making approaches to handle uncertainty and risk in forestry under climate change. Annals of Forest Science 69:1–15 DOI 10.1007/s13595-011-0153-4.
Albrecht, A., Hanewinkel, M., Bauhus, J., Kohnle, U. (2012). How does silviculture affect storm damage in forests of south-western Germany? Results from empirical modeling based on long-term observations. European Journal of Forest Research 131: 229-247 doi: 10.1007/s10342-010-0432-x.
Yue, C., Kohnle, U., Hanewinkel, M, Klädtke, J. (2011). Extracting environmentally driven growth trends from diameter increment series based on a multiplicative decomposition model. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 41: 1577-1589. doi:10.1139/X11-056.
Hanewinkel, M., Hummel, S., Albrecht, A. (2011). Assessing natural hazards in forestry for risk management: a review. European Journal of Forest Research 130: 329–351. doi: 10.1007s/10342-010-0392-1.
Yousefpour, R., Hanewinkel, M., Le Moguédec, G. (2010). Evaluating the Suitability of Management Strategies of Pure Norway Spruce Forests in the Black Forest Area of Southwest Germany for Adaptation to or Mitigation of Climate Change. Environmental Management. 45:387– 402. doi: 10.1007/s00267-009-9409-2.
Schmidt, M., Hanewinkel, M., Kändler, G., Kublin, E., Kohnle, U. (2010). An inventory-based approach for modeling single tree storm damage - experiences with the winter storm 1999 in southwestern Germany, Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40(8): 1636–1652 doi:10.1139/X10-099.
Hanewinkel, M., Peltola, H., Soares, P., González-Olabarria, J.R. (2010). Recent approaches to model the risk of storm and fire to European forests and their integration into simulation and decision support tools. Forest Systems 19(SI), 30-47.
Hanewinkel, M., Hummel, S., Cullmann, D. (2010). Modelling and economic evaluation of forest biome shifts under climate change in Southwest Germany. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 710-719. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2009.08.021.
Yousefpour, R., Hanewinkel, M., Le Moguédec, G. (2010). Evaluation of Biodiversity for Multi-purpose Forest Management Applying a Non-Linear Optimization Approach. Applied Ecology And Environmental Research 8(3): 241-260.
Bolte, A, Eisenhauer, D.-R., Ehrhart, H.-P. , Groß, J., Hanewinkel, M., Kölling, C., Profft, I., Rohde, M., Röhe, P., Amereller, K. (2009). Klimawandel und Forstwirtschaft – Übereinstimmungen und Unterschiede bei der Einschätzung der Anpassungsnotwendigkeiten und Anpassungsstrategien der Bundesländer. Landbauforschung - vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research 4 2009 (59): 269-278.
Yousefpour, R., Hanewinkel, M. (2009). Modelling of forest conversion planning with an adaptive simulation-optimization approach and simultaneous consideration of the values of timber, carbon and biodiversity. Ecological Economics 68:1711-1722.
Zell, J., Kändler, G., Hanewinkel, M. (2009). A mixed model to predict decay rates of coarse woody debris – a meta-analysis approach. Ecological modelling 220: 904-912.
Hanewinkel, M. (2009). The role of economic models in forest management. CAB-reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources 2009 4, No. 031 doi: 10.1079/PAVSNNR20094031.
Hanewinkel, M., Breidenbach, J., Neeff, T., Kublin, E. (2008). Seventy-seven years of natural disturbances in a mountain forest area – the influence of storm, snow and insect damage analysed with a long-term time series. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38 (8): 2249-2261. doi:10.1139/X08-070.
Holecy, J., Hanewinkel, M. (2006). A Forest Management Risk Insurance Model and its Application to Coniferous Stands in southwest Germany. Forest Policy and Economics 8: 161-174.
Hanewinkel, M. (2005). Neural networks for assessing the risk of windthrow on the forest division level - a case study in southwest Germany. European Journal of Forest Research 124: 243-249.
Zell, J., Hanewinkel, M. and Seeling, U. (2004). Financial optimisation of target diameter harvest of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) considering the risk of decrease of timber quality due to red heartwood. Forest Policy and Economics 6: 579-593. *
Hanewinkel, M., Zhou, W. and Schill, C. (2004). A Neural Network Approach to Identify Forest Stands Susceptible to Wind Damage. Forest Ecology and Management 196: 227-243.
Hanewinkel, M. (2004). Spatial Patterns in Mixed Coniferous Even-aged, Uneven-aged and Conversion Stands. European Journal of Forest Research 123: 139-155.
Holthausen, N., Hanewinkel, M., Holecy, J. (2004). Risikomanagement in der Forstwirtschaft: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht. Forstarchiv 75: 149-157. (Risk management in forestry – opportunities and limits from a scientific point of view)
Hanewinkel, M. (2002). Comparative economic investigations of even-aged and uneven-aged silvicultural systems – a critical analysis of different methods. Forestry (Oxford University Press) 75 (4): 473-481.
Hanewinkel, M. (2001). Economic aspects of the transformation from even-aged pure stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) to uneven-aged mixed stands of Norway spruce and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Forest Ecology and Management 151: 181-193.
Hanewinkel, M. (2001). Financial Results of Selection Forest Enterprises with High Proportions of Valuable Timber – Results of an Empirical Study and their Application. Schweiz. Z. Forstwes. (Swiss Forestry Journal) 152,8: 343-349.
Hanewinkel, M. (2001). Neuausrichtung der Forsteinrichtung als strategisches Managementinstrument. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitschrift (AFJZ) 172,11: 202-211. (Orientating Forest Management Towards Strategic Management)
Hanewinkel, M., Pretzsch, H. (2000). Modelling the conversion from even-aged to uneven-aged stands of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) with a distance-dependent growth simulator. Forest Ecology and Management 134: 55-70.
Hanewinkel , M. (1999). Kritische Analyse von auf der Basis von Gleichgewichtsmodellen hergeleiteten Zielreferenzen für Plenterwälder im Wuchsgebiet Schwarzwald. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitschrift (AFJZ), 170 (5/6) : 87-98.
(Critical analyis of goal references for selection forests in the Black Forest region based on steady state models)
- Contributions to books/series/abstracts (reviewed)
Nölte, A., Pinnschmidt, A.,Yousefpour, R., Hanewinkel, M. (2024). Potencial económico y buenas prácticas de manejo para especies nativas y teca en plantaciones puras y mixtas en Costa Rica /– 1a ed. – Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE, 2024.72 p. : il. – (Serie técnica. Informe técnico / CATIE ; no. 463) ISBN: 978-9977-57-812-5
Wohlgemuth T., Hanewinkel M., Seidl R. (2022). Wind disturbances. In: Wohlgemuth T., Jentsch A., Seidl R.(Eds.), Disturbance Ecology. Landscape Series 32. Springer. 173–194
Hanewinkel, M., Yousefpour, R., Augustynczik, A. (2022). Climate smart forestry case-study: Germany. In: Hetemäki, L., Kangas, J., Peltola, H. (eds): Forest Bioeconomy and Climate Change Ch. 12. Managing Forest Ecosystems Vol 42. Springer. 197-210.
Antkowiak, P., Bebi, P. and Hanewinkel, M. (2020). Forest management as an insurance against natural hazards – a case study of protection forests in Switzerland. In: Krumm, F.; Schuck, A.; Rigling, A. (eds), 2020: How to balance forestry and biodiversity conservation – A view across Europe. European Forest Institute (EFI); Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Birmensdorf: 108-121.
Wohlgemuth T., Hanewinkel M., Seidl R. (2019). Windstörungen. In: Wohlgemuth T., Jentsch A., Seidl R.(Hrsg.), Störungsökologie (UTB 5018). Verlag Haupt, Stuttgart. 156–174.
Knook, J., Hanewinkel, M. (2019). Economics of growing Douglas-fir. In: Spiecker, H., Lindner, M., Schuler, J. (eds.) 2019: Douglas-fir – an option for Europe: What Science Can Tell Us 9: 99-104. European Forest Institute, Joensuu.
Kauppi, P., Hanewinkel, M., Lundmark, L., Nabuurs, GJ., Peltola, H., Trasobares, A. and Hetemäki, L. (2018). Climate Smart Forestry in Europe. European Forest Institute.
Lindner, M., Hanewinkel, M., Nabuurs, G.J. (2017). How can a forest-based bioeconomy contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation? In: Winkel, G. (ed.) 2017: Towards a sustainable European forest-based bioeconomy – assessment and the way forward: What Science Can Tell Us 8: 77-85. European Forest Institute, Joensuu.
Hetemäki, L., Hanewinkel, M., Muys, B., Ollikainen, M., Palahí, M., Trasobares, A. (2017). Leading the way to a European circular bioeconomy strategy. From Science to Policy 5. European Forest Institute.
European Academies of Science Advisory Council (EASAC) (2017). Multi-functionality and sustainability in the European Union’s forests. EASAC policy report 32. April 2017 ISBN: 978-3-8047-3728-0 (contribution of M. Hanewinkel as expert for the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina).
Hanewinkel, M., Knook, J. (2017). Economic aspects of introduced tree species – opportunities and risks. In: Krumm, F., Vitkova, L. (2017) Introduced tree species in European forests. European Forest Institute, 423pp: 214-225.
Nabuurs, G.J., Delacote, P., Ellison, D., Hanewinkel, M., Lindner, M., Nesbit, M., Ollikainen, M., Savaresi, A. (2015). A new role for forests and the forest sector in the EU post-2020 climate targets. From Science to Policy 2. European Forest Institute.
Hanewinkel, M., Fitzgerald, J. (2013). Chapter I: Overview. In: Fitzgerald, J. and Lindner, M. (eds.) (2013) Adapting to climate change in European forests – Results of the MOTIVE project. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, 108 pp: 6-8.
Cerbu, G., Hanewinkel, M., Gerosa, G., Jandl, R. (eds.) (2013). Management Strategies to Adapt Alpine Space Forests to Climate Change Risks. InTech publisher, ISBN 978-953-51-1194-8. 383 pp.
Jandl, R., Cerbu, G., Hanewinkel, M., Berger. F., Gerosa, G., Schüler, S. (2013). Management Strategies to Adapt Alpine Space Forests to Climate Change Risks – an introduction to the Manfred project. In: Cerbu, G. et al. (eds.) Management Strategies to Adapt Alpine Space Forests to Climate Change Risks: 1-12,
Zimmermann, N.E., Jandl, R. Hanewinkel, M., Kunstler, G., Kölling, C., Gasparini, P., Breznikar, A., Meier, E., Normand, S., Ulmer, U., Gschwandtner, T., Veit, H., Naumann, M., Falk, W., Mellert, K., Rizzo, M, Skudnik, M., Psomas, A. (2013). Potential future ranges of tree species in the Alps. In: Cerbu, G. et al. (eds.) Management Strategies to Adapt Alpine Space Forests to Climate Change Risks: 37-48,
Jandl, R., Berger. F., Breznikar, A., Gerosa, G., Veit, H., Cerbu, G., Hanewinkel, M. (2013). Description of case study areas for deriving management strategies to adapt alpine space forests to Climate Change risks. In: Cerbu, G. et al. (eds.) Management Strategies to Adapt Alpine Space Forests to Climate Change Risks: 257-260,
Brang, P., Breznikar, A., Hanewinkel, M., Jandl, R., Maier, B. (2013). Managing forests in a changing climate. In: Cerbu, G. et al. (eds.) Management Strategies to Adapt Alpine Space Forests to Climate Change Risks: 369-383,
Hanewinkel, M., Albrecht, A., Schmidt, M. (2013). Influence of Landscape and Within Stand Characteristics on Wind Damage. In: Gardiner, B. et al. (eds.) 2013: Living with Storm Damage to Forests: What Science Can Tell Us 3: 39-46. European Forest Institute, Joensuu.
Hanewinkel, M., Peyron J.L. (2013). Economics of storm damage. In: Gardiner, B. et al. (eds.) 2013: Living with Storm Damage to Forests: What Science Can Tell Us 3: 55-63. European Forest Institute, Joensuu.
Hanewinkel, M. (2012). Der Klimawandel als Herausforderung für die Forstwirtschaft – Wissenschaftliche Klimamodelle, Unsicherheit und die Suche nach Entscheidungsunterstützungs-Systemen für die Forstpraxis In: v.Detten, R., Bemmann, M., Faber, F. (Hrsg.) 2012: Unberechenbare Umwelt. Springer VS-Verlag, 33-50.
Hanewinkel, M. (2012). Forsteinrichtung – Mittelfristige Planung und Kontrolle im Forstbetrieb. In: Oesten, G., Roeder A. 2012: Management von Forstbetrieben, Band II Management und Informationssystem. Institut für Forstökonomie, Universität Freiburg, 56-84.
Hanewinkel, M. (2011). Multifunktionalität des Waldes. In: Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt WSL (Hrsg.) 2011: Der multifunktionale Wald – Konflikte und Lösungen. Forum für Wissen 2011: 7-14.
Hanewinkel, M., Zell, J. (2010). Timber harvest versus carbon sequestration: an analysis using production possibility frontiers based on a large scale matrix model. The International Forestry Review 12(5):33.
Hanewinkel, M. (2010). Adaptive forest management in Europe based on a multi-criteria approach to biodiversity conservation. The International Forestry Review 12(5):130.
Reinbolz, A., Hanewinkel, M. (2007). On Chatbots and Avatars – The Virtual Forester as a Guide Through Knowledge About Sustainable Forest Management. In: Reynolds, K.M., Thomson, A.J., Köhl, M., Shannon, M.A., Ray, D. and Rennolls, K. (eds.) 2007. Sustainable Forest Management from Monitoring and Modelling to Knowledge Management & Policy Sciences. CAB international, Wallingford: 425-438.
Selter, A., Heisner, U., v. Wilpert, K., Hanewinkel, M. (2006). Ökonomische Ziele und ökologischer Waldumbau - Chancen und Risiken für den Forstbetrieb. In: Fritz, P. (Hrsg.), 2006. Ökologischer Waldumbau in Deutschland - Fragen, Antworten, Perspektiven, Kap. B6, 208-249. oekom Verlag, München, 352 S. (economic goals and ecological forest transformation – chances and risks for forest enterprises)*
Teuffel von K., Baumgarten M., Hanewinkel M., Konold W., Spiecker H., Sauter, H.-U., Wilpert von K. (Hrsg.) (2005). Waldumbau für eine zukunftsorientierte Waldwirtschaft. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 422 p. (Forest transformation for a future-oriented forestry)*
Hanewinkel, M., Navarro, G., (2005). Finanzielle Konsequenzen des Waldumbaus – Analyse mit Methoden der Investionsrechnung. In: Teuffel von K., Baumgarten M., Hanewinkel M., Konold W., Spiecker H., Sauter, H.-U., Wilpert von K. (Hrsg.) (2005). Waldumbau für eine zukunftsorientierte Waldwirtschaft. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 248-260.
(Financial consequences of forest transformation an analysis based on an investment-calculus approach).
Hanewinkel, M., Zhou, W., (2005). Risikoprognose mit neuronalen Netzen – am Beispiel von Umbau- und Überführungsbetrieben. In: Teuffel von K., Baumgarten M., Hanewinkel M., Konold W., Spiecker H., Sauter, H.-U., Wilpert von K. (Hrsg.) (2005). Waldumbau für eine zukunftsorientierte Waldwirtschaft. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 261-268.
(Risk prognosis using artificial neural networks – the example of conversion and transformation enterprises).
Hanewinkel, M., Holecy, J., (2005). Risikoanalyse durch altersstufenweise Ermittlung von Übergangswahrscheinlichkeiten mit Hilfe von digitalisierten Forstkarten. In: Teuffel von K., Baumgarten M., Hanewinkel M., Konold W., Spiecker H., Sauter, H.-U., Wilpert von K. (Hrsg.) (2005). Waldumbau für eine zukunftsorientierte Waldwirtschaft. Springer Verlag Berlin. Heidelberg, 269-277. (Financial consequences of forest transformation an analysis based on an investment-calculus approach).
Hanewinkel, M., Bredahl-Jacobsen, J., Price, M., Kohnle, U., Chantre, G., Suchy, H., Baadsgaard Bruun, S., Schönborn, J., Gräf, S., Dröszus, J. (2004). Economics of Plantation versus “Close-to-Nature” Forestry. In: Dedrick, S. , Spiecker, H., Orazio, C., Tomé, M., Martinez, I. (eds.) Plantation or conversion – the debate ! European Forest Institute Discussion Paper 13, 2007: 95-98.
Hanewinkel, M. (2003). Entscheidungsunterstützung bei komplexen betrieblichen Managementaufgaben am Beispiel von Waldumbau/Überführung und Risikomanagement. Habilitationsschrift an der Fakultät für Forst- und Umweltwissenschaften der Universität Freiburg. Schriften aus dem Institut für Forstökonomie, Bd. 22, 328 pp.
(Decision support for complex managerial tasks – the example of forest transformation/conversion and risk management – Post doc (Habilitation) thesis, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental sciences, University of Freiburg).
Hanewinkel, M. (2001). Climatic hazards and their consequences for forest management - an analysis of traditional methodological approaches of risk assessment and alternatives towards the development of a risk control system. In : Arbez, M., Birot, Y., and Carnus, J.-M., (eds.) - Risk Management and Sustainable Forestry. EFI-Proceedings 45, 21-29.
Hanewinkel, M. (1998). Plenterwald und Plenterwaldüberführung – Modellstudien zu planungstechnischen, waldbaulichen und ökonomischen Aspekten am Fallbeispiel des Wuchsgebietes Schwarzwald. Dissertation Universität Freiburg, 252 S. Schriften aus dem Institut für Forstökonomie, Bd. 9. (Single-Tree Selection Forestry and Conversion to Selection Forests – Model Studies to Managerial, Silvicultural and Economic Aspects in the Black Forest Region) PhD-Thesis.