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Peter Antkowiak


peter antkowiak

 Peter Antkowiak

 Research Associate

 Chair of Forestry Economics and Forest Planning
 Tennenbacherstraße 4, D-79106 Freiburg i. Br.

 Phone: +49 761 203-3685
 Telefax:  +49 761 203-3690



Research Interests


  • Project "Determining the Insurance Value of Ecosystems (DIVES)" in Cooperation with WSL in Birmensdorf and SLF in Davos. Dynamically modeling the development of alpine protection forests under the influence of biotic and abiotic disturbances. Focus on gravitational mass movements such as avalanches and rockfall. Quantifying protection, risks and other ecosystem services. Developing management concepts for more resilient, climate-adapted protection forests.


  • Other research interests:
    • Image analysis for early detection of plant diseases.
    • Monitoring of animal populations with camera traps.
    • Ecology of arctic breeding birds and endangerment by climate change.



Since 2018: Doktorand an der Professur für Forstökonomie und Forstplanung, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

2014 - 2017: M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences at the University of Freiburg. Focus on GIS, statistics  and environmental modeling.

2010 - 2014: B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences at the University of Freiburg and SLU in Umeå, Sweden. Focus on conservation and wildlife ecology.


Professional Career

2017: Research Associate at the Federal Forest Research Institute (FVA) Freiburg. Literature Research on invasive tree species in Europe.

2017: Intern at the SLU in Alnarp, Sweden. Work in a research project on the early detection of plant diseases by means of UAVs and image analysis.

2014 - 2017: Research assistant at the chair of Biometry and Environmental System Analysis University of Freiburg. Processing and analysis of big ecological and spatial data sets (telemetry, GIS). 




Ciuti, S., Tripke, H., Antkowiak, P., Gonzalez, R. S., Dormann, C. F., & Heurich, M. (2017). An efficient method to exploit Li DAR data in animal ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution9(4), 893-904.


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